Friday, December 22, 2006

Personal freedoms

Personal freedoms

The restriction of personal freedoms is a hot debate in our days. For example, there has been talk about not further restricting smoking, but, banning it all together! Other example of restricting personal freedoms is the obligation of wearing a seatbelt when you are driving a car. Note that in some countries, including Cyprus, everyone in the car is obligated to wear a seat belt, the driver and the passengers, even the ones in the back seat!

One of the things that people moan about is the restriction of these particular freedoms and that that they affect no other than themselves. For example if someone, while driving, has an accident, he doesn’t have his seat belt on, if he dies he doesn’t affect the other person with whom he crashed with or anyone else.

Smokers also complain that their personal freedoms are being restricted when they are not allowed to smoke in public areas such as cinemas, theaters, work offices etc. As in the example with the seatbelt, smokers also say that if they die because of smoking, for example by lung cancer, they affect no one around them.

Concerning the obligation of wearing a seatbelt, I believe such protective laws must stay in order to save us from our own stupidity and ignorance. What about your family and friends that you will leave behind? At least if you don’t care enough about yourself, think of the others, your children who will be left with no father/mother or your mum and dad. You will cause them so much suffering and pain, just because you thought you were invincible and not in need of wearing a seatbelt! Even if you have no one to care for you in the world, at least, think of the poor paramedics who will have to drag you out of the windshield! Next thing you know one of them goes crazy and starts hitting people with broken windshields! Oh the horror, the horror!

All jokes aside, in the very end we are talking about your own safety which should be your primary concern.

Regarding the fact that smoking is banned in public places (and yet some people smoke there anyways), I have only one thing to say to smokers who complain: What about my personal freedom of breathing clean air?
I can only agree that banning smoking all together is not the answer and that smokers should be allowed to smoke as long as they don’t interfere with my personal health or freedom(for example in their home).

Laws that protect our wellbeing are essential and should stay in effect as long as they do not get out of hand or go to the extreme.


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